Who should give?
Church members. If you are not a church member, but are members of another faithful church, that's where you should give your money. The only exception is if the Lord is impressing on your heart to give to our church in addition to your tithe to your home church.
Why should I give?
The best answer is that the Bible says to give. We are told to give to those in need (Matthew 6:1-4), regularly (1 Corinthians 16:1-2), bountifully, willingly, and cheerfully (2 Corinthians 9:6-7). Additionally, you should give to your home church in order to fund its ministries.
How much should I give?
If you are a church member, our general goal is 10% of our income. This number is where we get the word "tithe" and is modeled in Scripture (Malachi 3:10). Though Christians are not commanded by Scripture to give a full 10%, that is our target as a church. If you are a member and cannot make 10% work but still give sacrificially, let God's Word (Mark 12:41-44) encourage you: your sacrifice is more pleasing to God than a tithe given out of abundance!
Why should I NOT give?
At FBC, we do not believe that anyone should give out of compulsion (2 Corinthians 9:7) or to receive a special blessing from God or from our church (Acts 8:18-21). God doesn't bless us on account of how much money we give. Rather, giving is an overflow of the joy within us of being God's people and engaging in His work. Therefore, if you are not a member, if you are tempted to give out of compulsion, or if you are giving in order to gain some spiritual benefit, you should not give, but you should pray and ask God to help your heart in giving.
Finally... HOW can I give?!
You can give in person on Sunday mornings at the conclusion of the church service, or you can give online, right now! We handle our online giving through an app called Venmo. If you have Venmo, you can simply scan the QR code to the right and designate your financial gift to the church. If you need have difficulties or have never used Venmo before, contact us and we will help you get it set up!